
Badge-A-Day: Campaign Basics

Badge-A-Day: Campaign Basics

Hey Trailblazers! I'm in sunny Provincetown and I still managed to get a badge-a-day done! (Kidding! I scheduled this the day before. I'm on vacation!).

Anyway, today's badge is the Campaign Basics badge. Campaigns are a simple but powerful tool to connect your marketing initiatives to leads and contacts in your Salesforce database. Let's dive in and learn the important concepts of this great object.

Badge-A-Day: Call Center Integration

Badge-A-Day: Call Center Integration

Hey Trailblazers! Today's badge of the day is Call Center Integration. Call centers are still a huge part of the sales and service process for enterprise organizations and perform a critical role maintaining the relationship throughout the customer journey.

My current organization relies heavily on call centers for patient scheduling and support, so I have extensive experience integrating CTI solutions with Salesforce. Guess what? It's pretty easy! Now, on to the badge!

Badge-A-Day: Alexa Development Basics

Badge-A-Day: Alexa Development Basics

Good day to you, fellow Trailblazers! Today's Badge-A-Day is Alexa Development Basics. I've never done any development work with Alexa, but I'm excited to start learning. Intelligent home assistants are exploding in popularity everywhere, and Alexa leads the way. Let's dive in and learn a little about the Salesforce and Alexa integration.

Badge-A-Day: Sales Cloud: Quick Look

Badge-A-Day: Sales Cloud: Quick Look

Hey Trailblazers! I have an all-day team meeting so I opted for one of the more basic badges available in trailhead: The Sales Cloud: Quick Look.

It's basically an intro to Salesforce; probably a little too beginner if you're a certified admin or sales cloud consultant, but if you're not yet, perfect! Let's review all the key concepts in this badge.

Make Your Prospects to Fall in Love with You Each and Every Time

Every competent sales and marketing professional out there knows the cornerstone to you and your company’s success is the relationship you build with your customer. Back in the day, we used to track this relationship via files, post-it-notes, scribbles on notepads, or complicated Excel spreadsheets that never truly made the data relatable or usable for anyone but your boss.

Luckily for us, the advent of software like Salesforce has completely transformed the way organizations manage relationships with prospects. But how do you, as a sales and marketing professional, best utilize a CRM solution to boost your sales?

It’s simply, really. You make Salesforce work for you. When deployed properly, Salesforce is a detailed touch-by-touch record of the relationships you have with your prospects.

First, if you haven’t yet, take some time to build a few customer profiles. You probably already have them in your head, but if you haven’t recorded them (or better yet built metrics in Salesforce to automatically flag which profile a prospect meets) you should do it now. The Whole Brain Blog said it best when they described what a customer profile should be:

Create profiles that describe specific segments of your current clients. Ensure that the profiles are tangible, so that you can envision this person and what would motivate them to find your business.

Describe your clients in written profiles, called personas. Create a specific persona for each identifiable client group and name them. Include images of ideal clients, either real or a hypothetical individual

It may seem like a silly exercise, but it will absolutely help you quickly categorize your prospects and determine the best strategy going forward. And because your close rate can drop dramatically the longer you take to respond to a lead, having a robust profile helps you respond quickly and with the solutions your prospect wants.

Now that you have your profiles you can really start using the power of data to boost your sales. If your CRM ties into marketing automation software like Pardot, you’ll have a detailed history of every interaction that has occurred between your company and your prospect. For instance, our sales team uses Pardot scoring to concentrate on highly-engaged prospects. They can look at the prospect’s activity and determine what pages on our website the prospect reads, what emails they open, what gets them to click through, and even what they searched to bring them to your site. That’s an immensely powerful tool to arm yourself with when you enter an opportunity, so if you don't have marketing automation, it's absolutely worth it to find one that works for you.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to build a relationship with your prospects via social networks. Now I certainly don’t suggest friend requesting them on Facebook or following them on Instagram, but as a sales professional building your network is key to building status in your industry, so don’t be afraid to reach out on LinkedIn or do a simple Google search to see how you can leverage their public persona to better your relationship.

So remember, if you want a prospect to fall in love with you, there are three things that’ll help you do it every time before you even meet face-to-face. Build comprehensive customer profiles, dive into your marketing data for valuable insights, and reach out and research in a professional, respectful manner.

For more Salesforce and CRM knowledge articles, don’t forget to come back to for the latest and greatest tips and tricks.

9 Salesforce Best Practices to Convert Your Leads to Cash


Many organizations struggle with lead nurturing and lead conversion. Large enterprises often have complex layers managing prospects as they transverse through your customer journey. Marketing handles the initial nurture, then inside sales takes control once the lead scores high enough (or meets enough criteria), and finally the account executives close the deal.

That's all well and good for large organizations with the resources to hire large staff, but what about small and medium sized companies? When you wear multiple hats in a leaner enterprise, what is the best way to handle a lead?

Three things you should Never do...

  1. Don't email just for the sake of emailing. Your leads are people. Every day, they are bombarded both personally and at work with someone trying to sell them something. Be kind. Respect their time. Try to make your communications personal, but if that isn't something you can do with your resources, always offer your leads something of value in your message. If you don't have anything to say, don't hit send!
  2. Don't focus on conversion volume. While the ultimate goal is to convert a lead into an opportunity, you want your sales team to focus on real opportunities. If your criteria for qualifying leads is too broad, your sales people will be juggling too many deals that aren't actually opportunities. You'll waste their time, your time, and drive down your close rates. Who wants that?
  3. Don't ask for a lead's life story. In Salesforce, we can put literally hundreds of fields on a page layout, all juicy bits of data on a prospect that you can dive into, parse, and otherwise analyze until the cows come home. But there is such a thing as information overload. For one, the more you ask a prospect to enter, the less likely they are to engage. Keep required fields on lead forms to a minimum, and you'll get more leads overall. Second, swamping your page layouts with a ton of fields decreases usability for your actual users because they can't find the data they need to effectively nurture and convert their leads. Save the data capture for the opportunity when your prospect is willing to do business, or better yet, capture even more information once you have their business so you can start building powerful customer profiles.

And the things you should Always do...

  1. Map out your process. This is incredibly important, but you might be surprised how many companies don't actually take the time to do this. Whenever you design a process, it's critical to actually visualize it first to understand its flow and function. It also creates a guideline for accurate reporting, flows, and data points when you're ready to implement. Without a visual framework, you'll find your lead process (or any process for that matter) becomes an unwieldy Frankenstein monster of quick fixes and patchwork updates.

  2. Define your conversion criteria. Many organizations use BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeline) for their conversion criteria, but for your business, maybe that doesn't quite work. Instead, ask yourself what exactly constitutes an opportunity for your company. For example in my organization, an opportunity is an official request for proposals. Once you've defined the entry point for an opportunity, now you can work back from there and create criteria your prospect must meet before that opportunity becomes active. In my example, we would also ask if that prospect has the authority to sigh a contract, if our offices can actually service them, and whether or not they have the budget to afford us.

  3. Set a cadence. People are mostly creatures of habit, and you should be like most people. Be cognizant about what your customer wants. Are they looking for a deal and expect a daily email with products you have on sale? Is this a longer sales cycle and your prospects would send you to the junk folder if you emailed them more than once a week? Whatever your industry, set a cadence that's respectful in a way your customer expects.

  4. Score leads for data integrity. Keeping your data clean is critical for building that relationship because a) dirty data makes your messaging miss the mark, and b) dirty data makes reporting useless. Create validation rules, required fields, pick lists, and other types of fields that drive your users to enter data cleanly. Your prospects will appreciate not seeing their names screamed at them in all caps and your bosses will appreciate the accurate reports. 

  5. Score leads on their level of interest. Marketing automation software like Pardot scores leads on their level of interaction with you. You can assign point values to different levels of interaction, giving, say, 5 points to a lead who clicked on a page and 40 points to a lead who filled out a form. This level of lead scoring allows you to quickly report on prospects taking an active interest in your company and can empower your sales and marketing teams to take a more active approach with prospects who have higher scores.

  6. Be patient. Sometimes, leads will zoom through the lead lifecycle straight into an opportunity, but many times, they won't. They'll linger in the lead stage until they meet the criteria you've defined. Be patient and consistent with your communications. Use analytics to measure the performance of your messaging and adjust accordingly to make sure you're achieving your industry average open and click through rates. On average, our organization attempts more than nine communications before a lead responds, so it's critical that we maintain our messaging so as not to lose business. Be patient. Be consistent. In the end, it pays.

These are just a few (but very critical) items to keep in mind as you build out your CRM lead process. For more helpful information about Salesforce and lead management, don't forget to regularly check for new articles and information.